Large Ice Cube Mold - Makes 4 Jumbo 2.25 Inch Big Ice Cubes - Prevent Diluting Your Scotch, Whiskey, Cocktails - Keep Drinks Chilled with PratiCube Large Ice Cube Trays - 1 Pack

Large Ice Cube Mold - Makes 4 Jumbo 2.25 Inch Big Ice Cubes - Prevent Diluting Your Scotch, Whiskey, Cocktails - Keep Drinks Chilled with PratiCube Large Ice Cube Trays - 1 Pack

Large Ice Cube Mold - Makes 4 Jumbo 2.25 Inch Big Ice Cubes - Prevent Diluting Your Scotch, Whiskey, Cocktails - Keep Drinks Chilled with PratiCube Large Ice Cube Trays - 1 Pack is the most popular goods released this week . Adjusted furthering you'll find it unequalled design , varied also now accommodated just about yourself . And then there have been a wide selection of wares it's possible get. The whole entire merchandise is manufactured using peculiar materials that actually have quality or even style . Large Ice Cube Mold - Makes 4 Jumbo 2.25 Inch Big Ice Cubes - Prevent Diluting Your Scotch, Whiskey, Cocktails - Keep Drinks Chilled with PratiCube Large Ice Cube Trays - 1 Pack is a favourite choice some people . And I JUST NOW really strongly suggest it. With the outside quality standards , thus taking in this product a swish or even clearly lasting . Some amongst us really like the Large Ice Cube Mold - Makes 4 Jumbo 2.25 Inch Big Ice Cubes - Prevent Diluting Your Scotch, Whiskey, Cocktails - Keep Drinks Chilled with PratiCube Large Ice Cube Trays - 1 Pack as a great many editions of colourings, eccentrics , materials .

All this is many suggested related to Large Ice Cube Mold - Makes 4 Jumbo 2.25 Inch Big Ice Cubes - Prevent Diluting Your Scotch, Whiskey, Cocktails - Keep Drinks Chilled with PratiCube Large Ice Cube Trays - 1 Pack.


  • âœ" LARGE ICE CUBES KEEP DRINKS COOLER LONGER - Extra large ice cubes cool your drinks longer without over diluting them
  • âœ" LARGEST ICE CUBE MOLD ON AMAZON - Most large ice trays on Amazon are 2 inches - with Praticube you get 2.25 inch cubes which means even cooler drinks
  • âœ" SAFE AND EASY TO USE - Block ice cube tray made from durable BPA-free and FDA-approved, food grade silicone so no need to worry about unwanted smells and harmful toxins. Dishwasher-safe
  • âœ" GET CREATIVE - Not just for ice cubes - make frozen juice, coffee, or tea cubes; the only limit is your imagination!
Large Ice Cube Mold - Makes 4 Jumbo 2.25 Inch Big Ice Cubes - Prevent Diluting Your Scotch, Whiskey, Cocktails - Keep Drinks Chilled with PratiCube Large Ice Cube Trays - 1 Pack Features is very good!


Enjoy Your Drinks Nice & Cool But Not Watered Down

Putting ice in your beverages is the best way to enjoy a cool drink. The one drawback of traditional ice cubes is because the cubes are smaller, it requires more cubes to keep the temperature down. More cubes with smaller surface area means more melting and less drink in your glass.

Treat Yourself and Your Drink Better

Praticube's custom ice cube tray mold makes 4 extra-large (and one of the largest on Amazon) ice cubes at a whopping 2.25 inches (most ice cube trays top out at 2 inches). Having one larger ice cube rather than several small ice cubes means you have more surface area to cool your drink and more heat that is required to melt the cube which means the ice sticks around longer. Each cube can last up to 4 hours.

Not Just for Water Ice - Be Creative

Because each Praticube tray is made from durable and BPA-free, food safe silicone, this means you can use it for all kinds of cubes like coffee cubes, tea cubes, juice cubes, chocolate cubes, and more. The only limit is your imagination!


* The tray will not make completely flat cubes as the bottom portion is slightly beveled. If you want perfect cubes, go for Pratico Kitchen Superb Cube ice cube trays: (search for Pratico Kitchen Superb Cube ice cube trays)
* Actual size could vary depending on the amount of water added

  • Large Ice Cube Mold - Makes 4 Jumbo 2.25 Inch Big Ice Cubes - Prevent Diluting Your Scotch, Whiskey, Cocktails - Keep Dri
* Actual size could vary depending on the amount of water added

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Large Ice Cube Mold - Makes 4 Jumbo 2.25 Inch Big Ice Cubes - Prevent Diluting Your Scotch, Whiskey, Cocktails - Keep Drinks Chilled with PratiCube Large Ice Cube Trays - 1 Pack Discount

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