Dell 45W Replacement AC Adapter for Dell

Dell 45W Replacement AC Adapter for Dell

Dell 45W Replacement AC Adapter for Dell is the best goods put out this week . At the time of boosting you'll find it alone innovation , varied and now accommodated only for your own benefit . And then there have been a wide variety of wares it's possible to get. The entirely goods is constructed by using particular stuffs that really have quality or even style . Dell 45W Replacement AC Adapter for Dell is a preferred choice many of us. And FREEZING really strongly recommend it. With the international quality touchstones, thus clearing this product a swish or even needless to say long lived. Alot of folks really like the Dell 45W Replacement AC Adapter for Dell as lots of editions of colorings , cases, stuffs.

This is while many proposed to do with Dell 45W Replacement AC Adapter for Dell.


  • Original Dell P/N:0KXTTW ,LA45NM140
  • World Wide Input Voltage 100-240VAC 50/60Hz
  • Out Put :19.5V 2.31A , Max 45W
  • Power Cord Included
Dell 45W Replacement AC Adapter for Dell Features is very good!


For Dell Ultrabook Model: Dell - XPS


For Dell Ultrabook Model: Dell - XPS Ultrabook 14" Laptop XPS14-1591, Dell - Inspiron Ultrabook 14" Laptop I14Z-1500SLV, Dell - XPS Ultrabook 14" Laptop XPS14-1364. 100% Compatible with 312-1307,JHJX0, JT9DM, FA45NE1-00, OJT9DM,PA-1M10 Family
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Dell 45W Replacement AC Adapter for Dell Discount

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