Chunoy Women Floral Kimono Loose Half Sleeve Shawl Chiffon Casual Cardigan Green Large

Chunoy Women Floral Kimono Loose Half Sleeve Shawl Chiffon Casual Cardigan Green Large

Chunoy Women Floral Kimono Loose Half Sleeve Shawl Chiffon Casual Cardigan Green Large is the most popular goods released this week . At the time of boosting you'll find it unequaled excogitation , varied and after this accommodated just around on your own . And here appreciate the fact a wide variety of products it's possible get. Currently the whole products is made using peculiar materials that basically have highly rated or even vogue . Chunoy Women Floral Kimono Loose Half Sleeve Shawl Chiffon Casual Cardigan Green Large is a pet pick us . Or even FREEZING highly strongly suggest it. With the international highly rated standards , so clearing this product a classy or even as expected long lasting . Some among us really like the Chunoy Women Floral Kimono Loose Half Sleeve Shawl Chiffon Casual Cardigan Green Large as numerous editions of colours , characters , materials .

This is some offered related to Chunoy Women Floral Kimono Loose Half Sleeve Shawl Chiffon Casual Cardigan Green Large.


  • High quality chiffon material, soft, lightweight, breathable and comfortable to wear
  • Cardigans Feature :Floral Print, Short Sleeve, Open Front, Loose Kimono Cardigan Cove Up.Cardigan Coats Which is Perfect For Spring,Summer and Autumn.
  • Perfect for Throwing on Over Your Favorite Tee Shirt and Cut Off Shorts, Over a Tunic and Leggings, or a Skin Tight Little Black Dress!
  • Garment Care:Hand Wash Better And Hang Dry,Do Not Bleach
  • Please Refer To Our Detailed Size Chart Below The Product Description Before You Purchase
Chunoy Women Floral Kimono Loose Half Sleeve Shawl Chiffon Casual Cardigan Green Large Features is very good!


Chunoy Women Ladies Casual Short Sleeve Chiffon Open Front Kimono Cardigan

**Elegant floral print, chiffon and sheer, half sleeve, short length, open front, thin sweater cardigan, no pockets, unlined and has no closures

**Your favorite Short cardigan is now available in Chunoy! These Short Lace Cardigans are a MUST have this Season.

**Super comfortable. You will want one in every style!
Size Chart(Inch)

**Small**Bust-42.5; Sleeve-16.9; Length-30.3;

**Medium**Bust-44.1; Sleeve-17.3; Length-30.7;

**Large**Bust-45.7; Sleeve-17.7; Length-31.1;

**X-Large**Bust-48; Sleeve-18.1; Length-31.5;

**XX-Large**Bust-50.4; Sleeve-18.5; Length-31.9;
Other Notes

**The color on the cardigan may be slightly different from the picture for different monitors.

**Package List : 1 x Women's Cardigan
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Chunoy Women Floral Kimono Loose Half Sleeve Shawl Chiffon Casual Cardigan Green Large Discount

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