SUNAVO MT-01 Wireless Barbecue Thermometer Digital with Large LCD and Timer Alarm for Grilling Oven Kitchen Smoker BBQ Grill with Dual Temperature Probe

SUNAVO MT-01 Wireless Barbecue Thermometer Digital with Large LCD and Timer Alarm for Grilling Oven Kitchen Smoker BBQ Grill with Dual Temperature Probe

SUNAVO MT-01 Wireless Barbecue Thermometer Digital with Large LCD and Timer Alarm for Grilling Oven Kitchen Smoker BBQ Grill with Dual Temperature Probe is one of the best goods put out this week . As of furthering you'll find it unique innovation , varied and here fit just around for yourself . Now there's been a wide variety of products it's possible get. The whole products is manufactured using particular materials that have high quality or even style . SUNAVO MT-01 Wireless Barbecue Thermometer Digital with Large LCD and Timer Alarm for Grilling Oven Kitchen Smoker BBQ Grill with Dual Temperature Probe is a preferred pick many of us. Or even I JUST really recommend it. With the external high quality criteria , so realizing this product a classy or even certainly long lived. While most individuals really love currently the SUNAVO MT-01 Wireless Barbecue Thermometer Digital with Large LCD and Timer Alarm for Grilling Oven Kitchen Smoker BBQ Grill with Dual Temperature Probe as plenty of editions of colours , types , materials .

Involves is some consist of to do with SUNAVO MT-01 Wireless Barbecue Thermometer Digital with Large LCD and Timer Alarm for Grilling Oven Kitchen Smoker BBQ Grill with Dual Temperature Probe.


  • MEAT SELECTION & COOKED LEVEL: The BBQ thermometer is pre-programmed with temperatures for 8 types of meat(BEEF, LAMB, VEAL, HAMBURGER, PORK, TURKEY, CHICK, FISH)and their various degrees of doneness(WELL, MED WELL, MEDIUM, MED RARE, RARE)recommended by the USDA. Additionally, all of the preset temperatures can be set to suit your personal tastes.
  • GREAT PORTABILITY: The compact and lightweight receiver has a 230ft signal transmission range allowing you to move around your house freely while receiving real time status updates of your food. Additionally, when your food reaches the optimum temperature, this will trigger the receiver's alarm. The receiver also features a convenient stand allowing it to be kept upright or hung from most household surfaces.
  • MULTI-FUNCTIONAL: The receiver comes with a built-in timer with a "count up" and "count down" function, allowing you to set up to a maximum time duration of 9-hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds for your cooking time. The thermometer's dual probes can simultaneously monitor 2 pieces meats, candies, or other foods for efficient cooking, making it perfect for barbecues, oven cooking and smoking food.
  • PREMIUM DUAL PROBES: Constructed from food-grade stainless steel, the probes have been designed to quickly and precisely measure food temperatures. The probes can endure heat up to 716°F(380℃)and have a waterproof rating of IPX7. They are also CE, ROHS and ETL certified.
  • SMART BACKLIGHT: The large LCD backlight display allows for effortless reading in darkness or and strong daylight. Additionally, the backlight will automatically turn off after 10-seconds of inactivity. Note: Please replace the batteries when the LCD screen begins to flash.WARRANTY: We provides you with a 30-day hassle-free return policy and 12-month warranty.
SUNAVO MT-01 Wireless Barbecue Thermometer Digital with Large LCD and Timer Alarm for Grilling Oven Kitchen Smoker BBQ Grill with Dual Temperature Probe Features is very good!


Wireless transmission distance: ≤ 70 meters
Dual probe temperature display
Probe and Wire: Heat-resistance up to 716°F(380℃)
             Waterproof protection of IPX7.
Adjustable temperature alarm for specific foods
°F/℃ temperature display unit to choose
Temperature range: -20℃~300℃(-4°F~572°F)
Unit of measurement: 1℃

The thermometer's dual probes are constructed from food-grade stainless steel and are designed to measure food temperature precisely and quickly, and ensure long lasting use.
The thermometer features a built-in timer with an included count-up and countdown function, smart backlight, large LCD screen, dual temperature display and various meat temperature settings, making it ideal for various cooking situations, including barbecues, oven cooked meals and when smoking food.

Package Content:
Receiver x1
Transmitter x1
Probe x2
Silicon Cover x2
  • SUNAVO MT-01 Wireless Barbecue Thermometer Digital with Large LCD and Timer Alarm for Grilling Oven Kitchen Smoker BBQ Grill with Dual Temperature Probe is consum
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SUNAVO MT-01 Wireless Barbecue Thermometer Digital with Large LCD and Timer Alarm for Grilling Oven Kitchen Smoker BBQ Grill with Dual Temperature Probe Discount

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