Holy Stone HS200 FPV RC Drone with HD Wifi Camera Live Feed 2.4GHz 4CH 6-Axis Gyro Quadcopter with Altitude Hold, Gravity Sensor and Headless Mode RTF Helicopter, Color Black

Holy Stone HS200 FPV RC Drone with HD Wifi Camera Live Feed 2.4GHz 4CH 6-Axis Gyro Quadcopter with Altitude Hold, Gravity Sensor and Headless Mode RTF Helicopter, Color Black

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All this is many proposed to do with Holy Stone HS200 FPV RC Drone with HD Wifi Camera Live Feed 2.4GHz 4CH 6-Axis Gyro Quadcopter with Altitude Hold, Gravity Sensor and Headless Mode RTF Helicopter, Color Black.


  • HD FPV CAMERA: First Person View 720P HD REAL TIME Video Camera (2MP, 1280×720 Pixel) enable you to take aerial videos and photos with your iPhone or Android phone device.
  • ALTITUDE HOLD: Powerful air pressure altitude hold function allow you to release the throttle stick and the drone will keep hover at it's current height. Easy for you to shoot quality images or videos.
  • MOBILE CONTROL: Control the drone with a smart phone App to activate multiple functions such as Gravity SENSOR Mode which allows the user to control the flight by holding and moving the smart phone accordingly. Operate the drone on the App interface.
  • HEADLESS MODE AND ONE KEY RETURN HOME FUNCTION: Orientation of the drone in relation to the pilot. Great function when the drone is out of sight. The function is dependent on the direction of the user when paired; One Key Return Home Function: Avoid losing the drone, and fly the drone back with the simple click of a button.
  • 2.4G 4CHANEL 6-AXIS GYRO TECHNOLOGY: 2.4G technology makes it possible for several models being played at the same time without interference; 6 AXIS GYRO STABILITY: The multi-axis gyro offers extra stability for easy handling and 360° flips.
Holy Stone HS200 FPV RC Drone with HD Wifi Camera Live Feed 2.4GHz 4CH 6-Axis Gyro Quadcopter with Altitude Hold, Gravity Sensor and Headless Mode RTF Helicopter, Color Black Features is very good!


Holy Stone HS200 FPV RC Drone with HD Wifi Camera Live Feed 2.4GHz 4CH 6-Axis Gyro Quadcopter with Altitude Hold, Gravity Sensor and Headless Mode RTF Helicopter, Color Bl


Holy Stone HS200 FPV RC Drone with HD Wifi Camera Live Feed 2.4GHz 4CH 6-Axis Gyro Quadcopter with Altitude Hold, Gravity Sensor and Headless Mode RTF Helicopter, Color Black
  • Holy Stone HS200 FPV RC Drone with HD Wifi Camera Live Feed 2.4GHz 4CH 6-Axis Gyro Quadcopter with Altitude Hold, Gravity Sensor and Headless Mode RTF Helicopter, Color Black is masterful and a good quality products on hand .
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Holy Stone HS200 FPV RC Drone with HD Wifi Camera Live Feed 2.4GHz 4CH 6-Axis Gyro Quadcopter with Altitude Hold, Gravity Sensor and Headless Mode RTF Helicopter, Color Black Discount

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