Flameer 5 Meters 2.6mm Faux Suede Cord DIY Lace Leather Cord for Clothing Shoes Jewelry Making Bracelet Finding Crafting Accessori - lake blue

Flameer 5 Meters 2.6mm Faux Suede Cord DIY Lace Leather Cord for Clothing Shoes Jewelry Making Bracelet Finding Crafting Accessori - lake blue

Flameer 5 Meters 2.6mm Faux Suede Cord DIY Lace Leather Cord for Clothing Shoes Jewelry Making Bracelet Finding Crafting Accessori - lake blue is the most popular goods issued this workweek. Since boosting you'll find it unparalleled conception, altered and then accommodated just around through your own efforts . And today there have been a wide selection of items you can get. Currently the whole entire goods is built through particular materials that actually have high quality and trend. Flameer 5 Meters 2.6mm Faux Suede Cord DIY Lace Leather Cord for Clothing Shoes Jewelry Making Bracelet Finding Crafting Accessori - lake blue is a favourite selection us . And WE highly recommend it. With the external high quality standards , thence making this product a posh and not surprisingly long lasting . While most people love the Flameer 5 Meters 2.6mm Faux Suede Cord DIY Lace Leather Cord for Clothing Shoes Jewelry Making Bracelet Finding Crafting Accessori - lake blue as a great many variations of colours , characters , materials .

All of this is alot of proposed about Flameer 5 Meters 2.6mm Faux Suede Cord DIY Lace Leather Cord for Clothing Shoes Jewelry Making Bracelet Finding Crafting Accessori - lake blue.


  • Micro-Fiber Faux Leather Suede
  • Cord width: Approx. 2.6mm / 0.10inch; Total Length: Approx. 5Meters; Bundle length: Approx. 14cm
  • Soft and smooth feel, high tenacity, not easy to fade
  • Perfect for DIY jewelry craft, woven necklace, bracelet, pendant, anklets, etc
  • It can be used for the decoration of shoes, clothes, gift package, flower wrapping, and jewelry making
Flameer 5 Meters 2.6mm Faux Suede Cord DIY Lace Leather Cord for Clothing Shoes Jewelry Making Bracelet Finding Crafting Accessori - lake blue Features is very good!



- Micro-Fiber Faux Leather Suede

- Cord width: Approx. 2.6mm / 0.10inch; Total Length: Approx. 5Meters; Bundle length: Approx. 14cm

- Soft and smooth feel, high tenacity, not easy to fade

- Perfect for DIY jewelry craft, woven necklace, bracelet, pendant, anklets, etc

- It can be used for the decoration of shoes, clothes, gift package, flower wrapping, and jewelry making

Package Includes:

5 Meters Leather Cord

Your satisfaction is our priority. So we would deliver the highest quality products and services to meet your satisfaction.

  • Flameer 5 Meters

Your satisfaction is our priority. So we would deliver the highest quality products and services to meet your satisfaction.

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Flameer 5 Meters 2.6mm Faux Suede Cord DIY Lace Leather Cord for Clothing Shoes Jewelry Making Bracelet Finding Crafting Accessori - lake blue Discount

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