JPSOR 600 Pcs Gems Acrylic Flatback Rhinestones Gemstone Embellishments, 6 Shapes, 6-13mm, with Tweezers and Bag (600 Pcs)

JPSOR 600 Pcs Gems Acrylic Flatback Rhinestones Gemstone Embellishments, 6 Shapes, 6-13mm, with Tweezers and Bag (600 Pcs)

JPSOR 600 Pcs Gems Acrylic Flatback Rhinestones Gemstone Embellishments, 6 Shapes, 6-13mm, with Tweezers and Bag (600 Pcs) is the most popular goods published this week . Since promoting you'll find it unparalleled excogitation , changed also now suited around for your own benefit . And already there's been a wide selection of wares it's possible to get. Currently the total gifts is designed while using particular materials that truly have first class and trend. JPSOR 600 Pcs Gems Acrylic Flatback Rhinestones Gemstone Embellishments, 6 Shapes, 6-13mm, with Tweezers and Bag (600 Pcs) is a favourite selection some people . Or I RECENTLY solidly recommend it. With the outside first class measures , thence clearing this product a swish and as you can imagine lasting . Many of us like currently the JPSOR 600 Pcs Gems Acrylic Flatback Rhinestones Gemstone Embellishments, 6 Shapes, 6-13mm, with Tweezers and Bag (600 Pcs) as many editions of colors , types , materials .

Pretty much everything is some offered to do with JPSOR 600 Pcs Gems Acrylic Flatback Rhinestones Gemstone Embellishments, 6 Shapes, 6-13mm, with Tweezers and Bag (600 Pcs).


  • Package contains 100 10mm heart-shaped rhinestones, 100 6*12mm horse eye shaped rhinestones, 100 10mm pentagram rhinestones, 100 6mm round rhinestones, 100 8*13mm teardrop rhinestones, and 100 10mm flower-shaped rhinestones.
  • Random bright colors; Material: acrylic
  • Each shape comes with 1 PP package and the whole set comes with 1 non-woven storage pouch to help you store all of the gemstones.
  • Comes with 1 pair of 7-inch tweezers, to help you get the rhinestones.
  • Use your creativity: decorating gift boxes, mobile phones, cars, party, etc., can also be used to decorate clothes.
JPSOR 600 Pcs Gems Acrylic Flatback Rhinestones Gemstone Embellishments, 6 Shapes, 6-13mm, with Tweezers and Bag (600 Pcs) Features is very good!


The size and quantity of each shape:
1. Heart shape: 10mm, 100 pcs
2. Horse eye shape: 6*12mm, 100 pcs
3. Pentagram shape: 10mm, 100 pcs
4. Round shape: 6mm, 100 pcs
5. Teardrop shape: 8*12mm, 100 pcs
6. Flower shape: 10mm, 100 pcs

1. This kind of rhinestones is not sticky on the back and you need to prepare glue yourself.
2. Keep your kids under 3 years old away from the rhinestones as they are really small.

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  • JPSOR 600 Pcs Gems Acrylic Flatback Rhinestones Gemstone Embellishments, 6 Shapes, 6-13mm, with Tweezers and Bag (600 Pcs) is masterl
  • JPSOR 600 Pcs Gems Acrylic Flatback Rhinestones Gemstone Embellishments, 6 Shapes, 6-13mm, with Tweezers and Bag (600 Pcs) is masterly and a good range .
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JPSOR 600 Pcs Gems Acrylic Flatback Rhinestones Gemstone Embellishments, 6 Shapes, 6-13mm, with Tweezers and Bag (600 Pcs) Discount
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