Womens Long Sleeve Turtleneck Neck Loose Casual Short T Shirt Dress Purple XL

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Cash is while many planned regarding Womens Long Sleeve Turtleneck Neck Loose Casual Short T Shirt Dress Purple XL.
Our design concept is simple,comfortable and fashionable.We dream to help you become the fashion queen.
Five years has been spent collecting and analyzing our customers' feedbacks on our products, including information of sizes,materials and quality.Now levaca makes products of comfortable and innovative materials,of fitting Americanized sizes and of reliable quality.
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In this ever changing times, levaca will constantly show new products to help you pursue beauty and fashion.
Cash is while many planned regarding Womens Long Sleeve Turtleneck Neck Loose Casual Short T Shirt Dress Purple XL.
- Material: 95% RAYON/5% SPANDEX.Good Elasticity, Soft and Comfortable
- Selling Point: Casual T-Shirt Dress,Loose Fit Tunic Dress,Button Deco Turtleneck
- Style Fit: Boots/Skinny Jeans/Leggings/Sweater Chain.
- Suitable Occasion: Casual/Home/Party/Work
- US Size:Large-US(12-14);Medium-US(8-10);Small-US(4-6);X-Large-US(16)
levaca is dedicated to the American clothing market.Our design concept is simple,comfortable and fashionable.We dream to help you become the fashion queen.
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