Old Dutch Rectangular Hanging Pot Rack with Grid & 24 Hooks, Oiled Bronze, 30" x 20.5" x 15.75"

Old Dutch Rectangular Hanging Pot Rack with Grid & 24 Hooks, Oiled Bronze, 30" x 20.5" x 15.75"

Old Dutch Rectangular Hanging Pot Rack with Grid & 24 Hooks, Oiled Bronze, 30" x 20.5" x 15.75" is the best goods brought out this workweek. As of promoting you'll find it unequaled excogitation , varied now suited about for your self. Now there was a wide selection of own products you're able get. Currently the entire gifts is designed with the aid of special stuffs that basically have first class and vogue . Old Dutch Rectangular Hanging Pot Rack with Grid & 24 Hooks, Oiled Bronze, 30" x 20.5" x 15.75" is a best loved pick many of us. Or even I clearly strongly suggest it. With the outside first class criteria , thence taking in this product a classy and not surprisingly durable . While many among us really like currently the Old Dutch Rectangular Hanging Pot Rack with Grid & 24 Hooks, Oiled Bronze, 30" x 20.5" x 15.75" as a great many variants of colorings , cases, stuffs.

This all is while most consist of regarding Old Dutch Rectangular Hanging Pot Rack with Grid & 24 Hooks, Oiled Bronze, 30" x 20.5" x 15.75".


  • Constructed of durable steel with an Oiled Bronze Finish
  • Holds up to 120 pounds of your cookware and other household items
  • Removable hooks allows you to adjust and arrange the pots
  • Measures at 30" x 20.5" x 15.75"
  • Comes with matching grid and 24 hooks
  • Holds up to 120-Pounds
  • Wipe clean with warm damp cloth and dry clean
  • Warranty not included
Old Dutch Rectangular Hanging Pot Rack with Grid & 24 Hooks, Oiled Bronze, 30" x 20.5" x 15.75" Features is very good!


Oiled Bronze Rectangular Hanging Pot Rack. Includes grid, 24 hooks, two 6" extension hooks for h


Oiled Bronze Rectangular Hanging Pot Rack. Includes grid, 24 hooks, two 6" extension hooks for hanging, mounting hardware.  Made of Heavy Gauge Steel. The Oiled Bronze Finish is lacquered for easy maintenance. Assembly Required. 30"Lx20"Wx15¾"H
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Old Dutch Rectangular Hanging Pot Rack with Grid & 24 Hooks, Oiled Bronze, 30

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