OxyLED 1100 Lumen Diving Flashlight, Rechargeable Super Bright Underwater Lighting Submarine Light Scuba Safety Lights Waterproof Under Water Torch for Outdoor Under-Water Sports (1-Pack)

OxyLED 1100 Lumen Diving Flashlight, Rechargeable Super Bright Underwater Lighting Submarine Light Scuba Safety Lights Waterproof Under Water Torch for Outdoor Under-Water Sports (1-Pack)

OxyLED 1100 Lumen Diving Flashlight, Rechargeable Super Bright Underwater Lighting Submarine Light Scuba Safety Lights Waterproof Under Water Torch for Outdoor Under-Water Sports (1-Pack) is the best goods published the foregoing week . At the time of encouraging its unique conception, changed and from now on accommodated at most through your own efforts . And from now on we have seen a wide variety of products you are able get. Currently the entirely item is constructed with the aid of special materials that really have world class and trend. OxyLED 1100 Lumen Diving Flashlight, Rechargeable Super Bright Underwater Lighting Submarine Light Scuba Safety Lights Waterproof Under Water Torch for Outdoor Under-Water Sports (1-Pack) is a favourite choice some people . And WE firmly recommend it. With the outside world class measures , hence realising this product a classy and certainly durable . While many amongst us like the OxyLED 1100 Lumen Diving Flashlight, Rechargeable Super Bright Underwater Lighting Submarine Light Scuba Safety Lights Waterproof Under Water Torch for Outdoor Under-Water Sports (1-Pack) as many variants of colours , eccentrics , materials .

This all is while many planned about OxyLED 1100 Lumen Diving Flashlight, Rechargeable Super Bright Underwater Lighting Submarine Light Scuba Safety Lights Waterproof Under Water Torch for Outdoor Under-Water Sports (1-Pack).


  • Waterproof & Adjustable Safety Flashlight: With an IPX8 waterproof level the light can be submerged up to 80 ft. Super bright LED, lifetime >50,000 hours.
  • 3 BRIGHT LED LIGHT MODES: Two brightness levels, a strobe light. Making it ideal for versatile use such as camping trips, boat trips, hiking and more. It is built for divers and snorkelers, but works perfectly on land as well.
  • BATTERY POWERED: This Scuba Dive Light uses a rechargeable 18650 Li-ion battery or three AAA batteries (Not Included)
  • WHAT YOU WILL GET? - One Dive flashlight -One 18650 Li-ion rechargeable battery -One White tube (used to fix the 18650 battery in flashlight) - One AAA Battery Holder - One Velcro wristband -One Lanyard -One Storage box - One User Manual
  • RELIABLE AND FRIENDLY CUSTOMER SERVICE: Ready to respond within 24 hours and lifetime support
OxyLED 1100 Lumen Diving Flashlight, Rechargeable Super Bright Underwater Lighting Submarine Light Scuba Safety Lights Waterproof Under Water Torch for Outdoor Under-Water Sports (1-Pack) Features is very good!


OxyLED-Natural Life,Natural Lights

OxyLED LED Waterproof Flashlight is a compact pocket-size flashlight with a very high output. It uses Cree LED and has a lifespan of over 50,000 hours of light. The light comes with two brightness levels plus a strobe light, making it the perfect flashlight for outdoor use.

The flashlight is also waterproof, making it ideal for versatile use such as camping trips, boat trips, hiking and more. It is built for divers and snorkelers, but works perfectly on land as well. It comes with a very handy hard case to store everything conveniently.

Equipped with a 18650 rechargeable Li-on battery (or 3 AAA batteries).


- Work environment: Diving, outdoor, night, hunting, rescue, camping, etc.
- Diving depth: IPX8 , Up to underwater 80foot
- Material : aluminum alloy and plastic
- Battery: Uses a rechargeable Li-ion battery(included)or three AAA batteries
- Light source: LED(LED by CREE in USA)
- Size: 6" (Length)X 1.5" (Diameter)
- Runtime: high-2hours; Low-5hours
- Mode: High-Low-Strobe

Package Content
- 1 x flashlight
- 1 x Li-ion rechargeable 18650 battery
- 1 x AC charger
- 1 x AAA battery holder
- 1 x wrist band
- 1 x lanyard
- 1 x user manual
  • OxyLED 1100 Lumen Diving Flashlight, Rechargeable Super Bright Underwater Lighting Submarine Light Scuba Safety Lights Waterproof Under Water Torch for Outdoor Under-Water Sports (1-Pack) is masterl
  • OxyLED 1100 Lumen Diving Flashlight, Rechargeable Super Bright Underwater Lighting Submarine Light Scuba Safety Lights Waterproof Under Water Torch for Outdoor Under-Water Sports (1-Pack) is masterly and a top notch inventory .
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OxyLED 1100 Lumen Diving Flashlight, Rechargeable Super Bright Underwater Lighting Submarine Light Scuba Safety Lights Waterproof Under Water Torch for Outdoor Under-Water Sports (1-Pack) Discount

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