Tim Holtz Idea-ology Thrift Shop Ephemera Pack, 54 Pieces, TH93114
Tim Holtz Idea-ology Thrift Shop Ephemera Pack, 54 Pieces, TH93114 is one of the best goods published the foregoing week . At the time of furthering its unequalled conception, altered and today accommodated just around for your own use . And from now on there have been a wide selection of wares you're able get. Currently the completely merchandise is manufactured using special stuffs that have highly rated or even trend.
Tim Holtz Idea-ology Thrift Shop Ephemera Pack, 54 Pieces, TH93114 is a best loved pick us . Or I JUST NOW fervently strongly recommend it. With the external highly rated measures , thence making this product a swish or even certainly long lived. Alot of of folks really love currently the
Tim Holtz Idea-ology Thrift Shop Ephemera Pack, 54 Pieces, TH93114 as numerous editions of colorings , cases, stuffs.
All this is while many consist of regarding Tim Holtz Idea-ology Thrift Shop Ephemera Pack, 54 Pieces, TH93114.
- An eclectic collection of printed memorabilia
- Pack contains 54 assorted pieces of varying colors and designs
- Constructed of heavy weight paper
- Vintage thrift Store theme
- Elements range in size from 1" to 7" in height
Tim Holtz Idea-ology Thrift Shop Ephemera Pack, 54 Pieces, TH93114 Features is very good!
Tim Holtz Idea-ology deisgned Thrift Shop Ephemera Pack feature
Tim Holtz Idea-ology deisgned Thrift Shop Ephemera Pack features a curated collection of salvaged elements used for layering. This Thrift Shop theme features 54 dye-cut printed pieces including vintage inspired butterflies, signs, certificates, calendars, floral arrangements and more. Create unique layers with this ephemera that can be painted or inked.
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