Victor M250S Electronic Mouse Trap, Black PACK OF 4

Victor M250S Electronic Mouse Trap, Black PACK OF 4

Victor M250S Electronic Mouse Trap, Black PACK OF 4 is the most popular goods brought out this workweek. As of boosting you'll find it unique innovation , altered and from now on suited just on your own . And after this we have seen a wide selection of own products you are able get. Currently the totally product or service is manufactured while using particular materials that basically have quality or even style . Victor M250S Electronic Mouse Trap, Black PACK OF 4 is a favored selection some of us . Or even I SIMPLY firmly recommend it. With the external quality criteria , thence taking in this product a swish or even as you can imagine lasting . Many sufferers really like currently the Victor M250S Electronic Mouse Trap, Black PACK OF 4 as lots of editions of colours , types , materials .

Pretty much everything is many consist of about Victor M250S Electronic Mouse Trap, Black PACK OF 4.


  • Kills mice with humane high-voltage shock
  • Kills up to 100 mice per set of four "AA" batteries (not included)
  • Improved design: easy to bait, easy to clean, no touch disposal
  • 100% kill rate: beveled columns trap mice in place
  • Indoor use only
Victor M250S Electronic Mouse Trap, Black PACK OF 4 Features is very good!


The Victor Electronic Mouse Trap uses innovative


The Victor Electronic Mouse Trap uses innovative technology to deliver a high-voltage shock, eliminating mice in seconds. This powerful device is capable of killing up to 100 mice per set of batteries (4 AA), making it a great value. It’s also easy to use! To use, simply place a high protein bait in the provided bait cup, place in a location with high rodent activity and power on. Advanced smart circuit technology senses when a mouse enters the tunnel, triggering the system to deliver a humane, high-voltage shock. After making a catch, a green LED light blinks to indicate a kill. The kill chamber is conveniently removable so you can easily dispose of the dead rodent without having to see or touch it. This removable chamber also makes baiting easy. The new and improved design of the electronic trap provides better plate access so you can easily clean it in between uses. Plus, the tunnel design and built-in safety switch, which deactivates the trap when opened, helps to protect children and pets. The unique tunnel design and beveled columns serve an added purpose of holding mice in place over the electrified plates to prevent escapes. These traps require no poison or chemicals and can be used anywhere inside your home or business to ensure years of effective mouse control.
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Victor M250S Electronic Mouse Trap, Black PACK OF 4 Discount

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