Stinger BKC90R Cordless Insect Zapper, Red

Stinger BKC90R Cordless Insect Zapper, Red

Stinger BKC90R Cordless Insect Zapper, Red is one of the best goods brought out the foregoing workweek. Since boosting its unparalleled design , altered and from now on accommodated just for your own use . And now on the internet a wide selection of items it's possible to get. The whole entire merchandise is manufactured using particular materials that truly have top shelf and vogue . Stinger BKC90R Cordless Insect Zapper, Red is a favourite selection some people . Or even I SIMPLY fervently recommend it. With the international top shelf standards , hence making this product a swish and clearly long lived. Many amongst us like the Stinger BKC90R Cordless Insect Zapper, Red as countless variants of colourings, cases, materials .

Pretty much everything is while most planned to do with Stinger BKC90R Cordless Insect Zapper, Red.


  • Portable, cordless and rechargeable
  • Covers up to 625 sq. Ft. Approximately the size of a 25x25 patio, deck or camping space
  • Up to 3.5 hour run time, 3 hour recharge time
  • Quiet zapping operation
  • Lantern-only feature LED light for accent lighting
Stinger BKC90R Cordless Insect Zapper, Red Features is very good!


Airborne pests such as mosquitoes, flie


Airborne pests such as mosquitoes, flies, beetles & moths can be a major annoyance, particularly during the warmer months when entertaining or relaxing on decks & patios. With the Stinger insect zapper lantern, you can get help in the fight against irritating insects. This rechargeable lantern has been tested & Proven by entomologists. Easily portable, the cordless rechargeable insect zapper lantern travels easily from the backyard to the campground & beyond!
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Stinger BKC90R Cordless Insect Zapper, Red Discount
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