Galentine's Day: 20 Hand-Drawn Cards to Tear, Color and Share with Your Favorite Ladies
Considerable time is while most proposed about Galentine's Day: 20 Hand-Drawn Cards to Tear, Color and Share with Your Favorite Ladies.
- Ulysses Press
STYLISH, HAND-DRAWN CARDS FEATURING CUTE MESSAGES FOR GALS TO GIVE TO GAL FRIENDSWhat is Galentine's Day? Only the best day of the year! Coined by popular TV character Leslie Knope of NBC's Parks and Recreation, Galentine s Day has become a widespread holiday for celebrating the special women in your life on February 13th or any day of the year. It's all about ladies celebrating ladies. Tear out, color, and share fun, thoughtful messages, such as:
•Sisters before misters
•You are one boss babe
•I love you more than breakfast food
•You're the chicken to my waffle
- Galentine's Day: 20 Hand-Drawn Cards to Tear, Color and Shar
•You're the chicken to my waffle 
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