River City Clocks Musical Multi-Colored Quartz Cuckoo Clock - 8 Inches Tall - Model # M8-08PQ

River City Clocks Musical Multi-Colored Quartz Cuckoo Clock - 8 Inches Tall - Model # M8-08PQ

River City Clocks Musical Multi-Colored Quartz Cuckoo Clock - 8 Inches Tall - Model # M8-08PQ is the most popular goods brought out this week . By promoting you'll find it unequaled excogitation , changed and already accommodated at most for your own use . And after this there has been a wide variety of products it's possible get. Currently the entire gifts is built currency special materials that truly have first rate and trend. River City Clocks Musical Multi-Colored Quartz Cuckoo Clock - 8 Inches Tall - Model # M8-08PQ is a favored choice some of us . Or even I JUST fervently strongly recommend it. With the external first rate standards , thence realising this product a swish and not surprisingly durable . Alot of sufferers love currently the River City Clocks Musical Multi-Colored Quartz Cuckoo Clock - 8 Inches Tall - Model # M8-08PQ as so many variations of colorings , characters , materials .

Cash is while many planned related to River City Clocks Musical Multi-Colored Quartz Cuckoo Clock - 8 Inches Tall - Model # M8-08PQ.


  • Cuckoo bird cuckoos the hour at the top of every hour
  • Plays 12 different melodies
  • Light sensor silences the clock at night
  • Volume control and silent mode
  • Two year warranty included
  • Dimensions of the product are 7 x 6.3 x 8 inches (Without pendulum) AND 7 x 6.3 x 14 inches (With pendulum)
River City Clocks Musical Multi-Colored Quartz Cuckoo Clock - 8 Inches Tall - Model # M8-08PQ Features is very good!


This colorful chalet style German quartz cuckoo clock accurately keeps time and plays 12 d


This colorful chalet style German quartz cuckoo clock accurately keeps time and plays 12 different melodies. Many colorful flowers are painted on the clock case and figures of a Saint Bernard and Alpine horn player are on each side of the clock dial. Two decorative pine cone weights are suspended beneath the clock case by two chains. The heart shaped pendulum continously swings back and forth. On every hour the cuckoo bird emerges from a swinging door above the clock dial and counts the hour by cuckooing once per hour. (Example: At one o'clock the bird will cuckoo once. At eight o'clock the bird will cuckoo eight times). After the cuckoo bird cuckoos one of 12 different melodies will play. 1. Happy Wanderer, 2. Edelweiss, 3. Dr. Zhivago, 4. Swan Lake, 5. He was beautiful (theme song of the movie "Deer Hunter“), 6. Lorelei, 7. Home sweet Home, 8. Sound of Silence, 9. Clementine, 10. The Entertainer (theme song of the movie "Sting), 11. Love theme of the movie "The Godfather“, 12. Fur Elise. Requires three C size batteries to operate (not included). *Great effort has been made to portray each cuckoo clock as accurately as possible. As with many handmade items, the exact coloration and carving may vary slightly from clock to clock. We consider this to be a special part of their character. This clock is covered by a two year limited warranty covering workmanship and manufacturers defects.
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River City Clocks Musical Multi-Colored Quartz Cuckoo Clock - 8 Inches Tall - Model # M8-08PQ Discount

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