Haotian Wall-mounted Drop-leaf Table, Folding Kitchen & Dining Table Desk, Solid Wood Children Table,Home Office Table Desk Workstation Computer Desk with Storage Shelves, Trestle Desk (FWT06-W)

Haotian Wall-mounted Drop-leaf Table, Folding Kitchen & Dining Table Desk, Solid Wood Children Table,Home Office Table Desk Workstation Computer Desk with Storage Shelves, Trestle Desk (FWT06-W)

Haotian Wall-mounted Drop-leaf Table, Folding Kitchen & Dining Table Desk, Solid Wood Children Table,Home Office Table Desk Workstation Computer Desk with Storage Shelves, Trestle Desk (FWT06-W) is one of the best goods put out this week . Adjusted furthering its unequalled conception, altered and already accommodated only on your own . And from now on there is a wide selection of own products you are able get. Currently the complete product or service is engineered using special materials that truly have first rate or even trend. Haotian Wall-mounted Drop-leaf Table, Folding Kitchen & Dining Table Desk, Solid Wood Children Table,Home Office Table Desk Workstation Computer Desk with Storage Shelves, Trestle Desk (FWT06-W) is a best loved choice some people . Or I JUST NOW ardently can't help but recommend it. With the outside first rate measures , thus earning this product a swish or even naturally durable . Some of people love the Haotian Wall-mounted Drop-leaf Table, Folding Kitchen & Dining Table Desk, Solid Wood Children Table,Home Office Table Desk Workstation Computer Desk with Storage Shelves, Trestle Desk (FWT06-W) as a lot of editions of colourings, eccentrics , materials .

All of this is alot of recommended about Haotian Wall-mounted Drop-leaf Table, Folding Kitchen & Dining Table Desk, Solid Wood Children Table,Home Office Table Desk Workstation Computer Desk with Storage Shelves, Trestle Desk (FWT06-W).


  • Designed for maximum convenience. This wall-hung table ideal for any part of the house.
  • Size: Width: 100cm, Depth: 60cm, Thickness: 2cm; Mounting hardware included.
  • Material: Solid Wood, Pine; Color: White; Weight: 12kg; Maximum load: 35kg.
  • Large Size Folding table, wall table, dining table
Haotian Wall-mounted Drop-leaf Table, Folding Kitchen & Dining Table Desk, Solid Wood Children Table,Home Office Table Desk Workstation Computer Desk with Storage Shelves, Trestle Desk (FWT06-W) Features is very good!


This folding table wall is fixed to the wall by fastener securely at any level you want.

Folds flat, saves space when not in use.

Maximum load: 35kg, solid wood / pine mat


This folding table wall is fixed to the wall by fastener securely at any level you want.

Folds flat, saves space when not in use.

Maximum load: 35kg, solid wood / pine material.

Mounting hardware included, installs easily.

Space-saving design, creative, beautiful.

Convenient wall mount design-allows easy access to work for comfortable seating on either side and unobstructed floor space.

A multi-use Drop-Leaf Table wall mounts to give you extra work or dining space that folds down and out of the way when not needed.
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Haotian Wall-mounted Drop-leaf Table, Folding Kitchen & Dining Table Desk, Solid Wood Children Table,Home Office Table Desk Workstation Computer Desk with Storage Shelves, Trestle Desk (FWT06-W) Discount

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