Mac Pro Charger Replacement 60W L-Tip Magsafe Power Adapter For Macbook Pro Charger 13-inch (Before Mid 2012 Models).

Mac Pro Charger Replacement 60W L-Tip Magsafe Power Adapter For Macbook Pro Charger 13-inch (Before Mid 2012 Models).

Mac Pro Charger Replacement 60W L-Tip Magsafe Power Adapter For Macbook Pro Charger 13-inch (Before Mid 2012 Models). is the most popular goods released the foregoing workweek. Since promoting you'll find it unequaled design , changed and already fit around for your own benefit . And after this appreciate the fact a wide variety of wares it's possible get. Currently the entirely product or service is manufactured fx special materials that basically have world class and vogue . Mac Pro Charger Replacement 60W L-Tip Magsafe Power Adapter For Macbook Pro Charger 13-inch (Before Mid 2012 Models). is a pet choice some people . Or I JUST NOW firmly strongly recommend it. With the international world class standards , therefore earning this product a swish and naturally long lasting . Many sufferers like currently the Mac Pro Charger Replacement 60W L-Tip Magsafe Power Adapter For Macbook Pro Charger 13-inch (Before Mid 2012 Models). as numerous variants of colours , types , materials .

All this is while many offered regarding Mac Pro Charger Replacement 60W L-Tip Magsafe Power Adapter For Macbook Pro Charger 13-inch (Before Mid 2012 Models)..


  • INPUT: 100V to 240V, 50-60Hï¼›OUTPUT: 16.5V,3.65A (60W) Max.
  • COMPATIBLE MODELS-This charger compatible with Apple MacBook 13" 13.3" MC461LL/A A1181,A1184,A1185,A1278,A1280,A1330,A1342,A1344.
  • EASY TO CARRY-This charger is designed to be your perfect traveling companion,portable for traveling.
  • MAGNETIC CONNECTOR-L-Tip Magnetic Dc Connector helps guide the plug into the system for a quick and secure connection.
  • Macbook Charger Model and Warranty : Please Check Carefully Before Buying! This is the first generation of magsafe power adapter, not the second generation. 1 year Warranty, 1 month money return guarantee and 24 x 7 H email support.
Mac Pro Charger Replacement 60W L-Tip Magsafe Power Adapter For Macbook Pro Charger 13-inch (Before Mid 2012 Models). Features is very good!


Having a dependable MagSafe adapter is crucial for the best performance and long life of your MacBook. Do not settle with less than the best in your search for the replacement charger.

Morange MacBook Pro charger prides itself in its superior performance. It will charge your MacBook quickly without compromising its performance and longevity, making it the best companion for your precious MacBook.

Our MacBook Pro charger has a powerful magnetic connector as well as a durable cord that will stay intact and safe from fraying even after going through numerous bends and charges.

This MacBook Pro charger has been manufactured with the highest quality materials and includes multiple smart features safeguarding against incorrect voltage, short circuit and internal overheating. All is done to make sure that you can stay cool and secure all the time.

Input: 100V to 240V Output: 16.5V, 3.65A Max

CAUTION: Please make sure to check whether your Mac model is included in the list below. Before purchasing the charger, please make sure it is compatible with your MacBook.

This product features a magnetic L-shape connector for MacBook Pro models manufactured before 2012 summer.
Specifically compatible with:
Apple MacBook white 13"/ MacBook Pro 13", MacBook white Unibody 13"/ MacBook Pro Unibody 13", MacBook Aluminium Unibody 13"/ MacBook Pro Alu Unibody 13", Apple MacBook Pro 15" inch 2,53 GHz [until Summer 2012 Models] MB990, MB991, MC118, MC700, MC724, MC374, MC375, MD101, MD102, MD313, MD314, fits A1181, A1184, A1330, A1334, A1344, 661-4269, 661-4485.

NOTE:1.Put it at a dry and cold place when charging.
2.To protect the adapter, unplug the outlet when it is not used.
3.It is better do not use it in a thundery sky.
  • Mac Pro Charger Replacement 60W L-Tip Magsafe Power Adapter For Macbook Pro Charg
3.It is better do not use it in a thundery sky.
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Mac Pro Charger Replacement 60W L-Tip Magsafe Power Adapter For Macbook Pro Charger 13-inch (Before Mid 2012 Models). Discount

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