Oster 4918 5-Cup Glass Jar with Lid and Filler Cap Blender Accessory

Oster 4918 5-Cup Glass Jar with Lid and Filler Cap Blender Accessory

Oster 4918 5-Cup Glass Jar with Lid and Filler Cap Blender Accessory is definitely the goods published this workweek. As of advancing its unequalled design , altered now fit just about yourself . And today there is a wide selection of own products it's possible to get. Currently the whole entire item is made by using peculiar materials that have highly rated and vogue . Oster 4918 5-Cup Glass Jar with Lid and Filler Cap Blender Accessory is a favourite choice some of us . Or even I JUST NOW powerfully strongly suggest it. With the external highly rated standards , thus taking in this product a posh and however long lived. Many of folks like the Oster 4918 5-Cup Glass Jar with Lid and Filler Cap Blender Accessory as numerous variants of colours , types , materials .

All this is some proposed regarding Oster 4918 5-Cup Glass Jar with Lid and Filler Cap Blender Accessory.


  • 3-piece blender jar refresher kit
  • Includes one 5-cup glass jar, one lid, one filler cap
  • 5-cup dishwasher-safe and scratch-resistant glass jar is thermal shock tested to withstand extreme temperature changes
  • Removable filler cap for easy and convienent filling and measuring
  • Can be used with most Oster blenders
Oster 4918 5-Cup Glass Jar with Lid and Filler Cap Blender Accessory Features is very good!


Brought to you by the #1 Blender brand. Refresh and revive your O


Brought to you by the #1 Blender brand. Refresh and revive your Oster blender. Add years to the life of your Oster blender with the 5-cup dishwasher-safe and scratch resistant glass jar that is thermal shock tested to withstand extreme temperature changes The jar fits most Oster blender bases regardless of whether the original jar was plastic or glass. The jar is clearly marked with appropriate measuring levels, including liters. The lid features a removable cap that allows for simple measuring. Revitalize worn components now and keep your Oster blender functioning as flawlessly as the day you brought it home. Save money, get the replacement jar and get back to blending.
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Oster 4918 5-Cup Glass Jar with Lid and Filler Cap Blender Accessory Discount

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